REPETITIONS - A book of poems by Sylvio M.Tabet
My first book was entitled "A Journey to Shanti". Shanti means Peace and the book was dedicated to all the mothers of the world. The mother is the most important person to bring Love in our Life. "Repetitions" is my second book. To live Love, give It and keep It, we must retain the heart of a child. What is more pure than the heart of a child?
Due to contingencies of life, my children did not spend Christmas with me for many years and it made me sad. When I visited Sai Baba in his ashram in Puttaparthi in December 1994, He accomplished the miracle to entrust me with seventy kids, coming from all around the world, to put on a Christmas play for all the villagers and devotees. It was so beautiful to share this time with them. Whenever I travel to India at Christmas, I am blessed with this wonderful assignment.
I understand that all the children of the world are ours, my children. To be happy in Life, all that we have to do is share their language, the language of the heart. Share it with me.
Sylvio Tabet is a movie producer and director. He was born in Lebanon, and currently lives in Los Angeles. He has published a book of his own photographs underscored with the quotations of a Saint living in India, "Sri Sathya Sai Baba". This book, titled "A Journey to Shanti", is a modern bible on human values and the meaning of life. It was blessed by his Holiness the Dalaļ Lama. Through the pictures a communion with the Divine is established. "Repetitions" follows the same theme with the poems written by Sylvio Tabet. Through the poetry, a communion with the Universe and the Divine is also established.

Here is a few of them
The Essence of the Self
For Thea
A few Poems originally written in French!
La Vie
L'Essence du Moi
A Thea  

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